Tuesday, March 20, 2018

No Time for Dancing

The Music was all around me
but I forgot to listen

Years of sacrifice, planning and preparation
for the moment when my life would be complete
Every Box checked, The To-Do List Finished
and the balance sheet adding up to zero

But every year something didn't add up
There were losses I couldn't see
Things slipping away
Like time between the pages
of reports and receipts

Not knowing why
the numbers didn't seem to work
I go outside to clear my head
and try to think

The glaring Sun
shines in my eyes
I squint to look and see
What is around me

People dancing... How Strange!
Children doing cartwheels... How Bizarre!
A dog galloping through the water, his mouth agape... Stupid Animals, I shrug

Ah!  I Remember Now!
I forgot the Groceries!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Broken Pieces of my Heart

Softly dancing, a shadow of love
Awakening fear, pain and desire
My heart is broken, beating off key
Cracks, scars, tears and tears

Repairing and healing, but breaking at once
Gold dust, scattering like rain
Mending the pieces, that seem to hold
with particles of sand

Jagged, golden, beautiful edges
Reflecting the light
Every crack a memory
A moment, that was meaningful, beautiful and true
A moment, when the world seemed to come crashing
Crushing trivial concerns
Falling to the ground, gasping for air
Wanting nothing more than one moment, one breadth
Another second in this body I possess

Returning to the present
The silence is deafening
Realizing I’m alive and here
Taking one step, withholding my fear
The next one could be my last
But I move on
Blood spilling from my heart
Messy and black
Holding my hand to my chest
I try once again
“I love you”

Friday, March 9, 2018

No Fear

Thump... Thump... Thump...  Thump...

The Stomping, the pounding
His hooves on the ground

The Rhinoceros,
flares his Tusks
Confident and Proud

His eyes are sharp,
Focused and True

No fear... No fear....
We all die soon

He sees the future
The world around

People jumping, 
spinning, falling down

Certainty is lacking
the decision to decide

The symbols of chaos
The shattered patterns of light

But he sees the future
Bold, courageous and true

All fear has left
Howling to the moon

Seconds float by
but years have passed

Shattered dreams
letting go at last

Living this moment
Living for now

Beating the drum
Hearing the sound

The night has fallen
Time for dreams

No longer living
with broken seams

Seizing this moment
as the moment seizes me

All fear is gone
This moment, This dream.

A Moment of Clarity

A moment of clarity
A moment of peace

The feeling of Love
The planting of a seed

Growing within
Growing without

Filling my heart
My lungs, my mouth

Love fills my life
and all I know

My family, my friends, 
the ones I hold close

People forgotten
we begin again

Love is only clouded
never to end

The water flowing
through the streams

Waves are crashing
the rhythm of dreams

The moon is pushing
and pulling it around

Majestic, beautiful
ominous and proud

Love within
Love without

embracing this life
the love all around

Forgetting the pain
at least the one called "Mine"

Love heals all...
All in due time.

A moment of clarity
A moment of peace

Riding slowly down
the river of dreams

Everyday Miracles

The Moon,
A mountain floating in the sky.
The Clouds,
Large bodies of water suspended in air.
The Earth,
Billions of years of wisdom.
My Heart,
Pumping, pumping, life into my limbs.
My Mind,
The Mirror of God.

This Moment....
This Moment....
That is All.