Monday, April 30, 2018


My Guitar
my blood stains in the opening 
for sound
the body is warm and soft
the soothing smell of seasoned wood

My old friend 
She been with me for many years

I once had another
This one is my second
but first loves are often naive
This one has stood the test of time
enduring many hours of 
picking and strumming and tapping
even though
she is cracked ever so slightly
a crack that worried me 
at first
but has caused no harm

Many years of love
happiness and joy
holding her against me
comforting me 
when I want to cry 
but can't find the tears
bringing me joy 
when I'm too shy 
to express it
a song gives me courage

Most Importantly
strange moments
I can't define
the music embraces the mystery

my love
my friend
we go along
another adventure
into the unknown


a leaf blowing in the wind
A flower
Growing just a little
Just tiny bit for today
The nutrients feeding its
A bird chirping
His mother chirping response
A cloud moving slowly
The sun is rising
A tear in my eye

Inspired by NaPoWriMo writing prompt #4
write a poem that is about something abstract – perhaps an ideal like “beauty” or “justice,” but which discusses or describes that abstraction in the form of relentlessly concrete nouns.

Song of the Valley

He Soul shines with Love
Love has many forms
Tears, Scars, Joy and Creation
Just to name a few
Thoughts often block
True Love
Jumping into the
crashing waves
My thoughts
are cleansed
Love whispers
It does not shout
Allowing space
for me to scream
and love responds 
All is well
Be at peace my Dear
Covering my wounds
I am delirious
from changing winds
My reflection ripples
as the illusion breaks
But I have been here before
and will return again

The unspoken truth within
My fickle heart forgetting so easily
Seeking easy answers
simple solutions
But looking at flowers
on TV
is not the same
As growing them yourself

Releasing control
of time, change and the future
whispering back to my forgotten Love
Ancient source of all
Beneath the gravel
Lies the deep 
My tears seep through the dirt

Connecting with the wisdom
Beneath the winds, the snow, the rain
the hurricanes, the storms, and the floods

Shining like diamonds in all I see
The pillars of virtue rising above the 
rats and mice

Echoing in the valley
you can hear her 
soft melody
of dreams and peace

Inspired by NaPoWriMo Poetry Prompt #18
Find a poem in a book or magazine (ideally one you are not familiar with). Use a piece of paper to cover over everything but the last line. Now write a line of your own that completes the thought of that single line you can see, or otherwise responds to it. Now move your piece of paper up to uncover the second-to-last line of your source poem, and write the second line of your new poem to complete/respond to this second-to-last line. Keep going, uncovering and writing, until you get to the first line of your source poem, which you will complete/respond to as the last line of your new poem. 

I used "Tissiacks Tear" by John Muir


I walk along a path
tall grass and tress
forming a narrow path
Standing above me
Like a crowd of friends
all hear to welcome and me
smile upon me 
as I move 
down the procession

I meet the great lake
at the end
greeting me with warmth and deep blue eyes
a glowing heart
and a friendly smile
seeing my heart glow
and connect with hers
this moment

Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Hanged Man

To the Hanged Man
Everything looked upside down
People fighting over who was first and who was right
people attacking their brothers
people striving their whole lives to to survive
only to die at the end
People forgetting the moment to have a better one later
people driving large automobiles only to arrive
at a dusty office
People ignoring their children to give them a be"Better life"
people wanting to be happy by adding stress to their lives
adding more to their to-do list 
if they just get a another shot of busyness
then they will feel like they can rest
the world seemed upside down
The Hanged Man said

From his tree
He looked foolish
people laughed as they passed
he wasn't doing anything
He wasn't changing anything
He wasn't learning anything
He was using his time

but to the Hanged Man
he was the richest man of all
for he had time
He had time to watch
to enjoy
to observe
to be

time to be
the greatest gift of all 
to simply be
and this is why 
he was smiling

Sailing Across the Ocean

To my far away family,
my mom, my sisters, my brother, 
my aunts, my uncles, my cousins, 
my grandmother, My In-laws

Often thinking of you
Hoping you are well

Many waves of the ocean are rocking my boat
at the moment
I'm sailing across the Atlantic
in a row boat

The ocean threatens to swallow me
without judgment
or scorn
but only because 
that is was the ocean does

I see the waves come over may head
they crash down on me and 
drench me their raw energy and power
the force pulls me and pushes on me
I release and let go
having no control over the outcome
knowing that I am just a particle of dust in this universe
but I feel blessed to have been hit by the wave

Blessed to have been obliterated
by the majestic sea

Somehow I always bob to surface in my
little row boat

I start again on my journey
sailing across the ocean


F - Forging you for your humanity
A - Always with me in my heart
T - Time heals all wounds
H - Heaven, where your pain is no more
E - Every moment you were alive was a gift, even the painful ones
R - Remembering how much you loved all of us and how much I love you

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Breathing in This Moment

Walking along the beach
on the boardwalk
seeing many different faces and people

children running through the water
splashing with glee
bounding a ball off the waves

a group of young girls 

gathered in a small tribe
smiling and giggling to each other
secrets, desires and dreams

Young boys, skateboarding down the concrete walk
standing tall and proud
no worries or fears 
only the thrill of rolling along 
and the wind in his hair

A young father chasing his child
the concern in his face
whether he is doing a good job
or he can keep his child safe

An old woman sitting on the bench 
watching the sunset
with slight feeling of sorrow
knowing that she used to watch the sunset 
with her partner that has passed on

The sun slowly setting
taking its time
not rushing or hurrying
moving at the pace of nature

A slow steady movement and flow
the sun following the rhythm and dance 
of the earth
a slow dance 
They both know the steps

Step to the East
Step to the West
Slowing Rising
Slowing falling

The beauty and grace 
of this majestic dance
swaying back and forth

I notice my self rushing from one thing to the next 
hurrying as fast as I can
I pause for a moment
and suddenly feel a gratitude
that life doesn't move too fast

that everything will come in time
Grateful that we don'e go 
directly from being the child 
to the old woman overnight
that time moves slowly

I let out a deep sigh and breath in the this moment
as the sun settles in 
for a good night's sleep

Monday, April 23, 2018

Passing Storms

Passing storms
fears, doubts and ego
gremlins climbing out of the gutter
crawling up beside me 
to whisper dark things in my ears
all of the hatred within their heart
all of the tainted emotions
sadness turned to envy
fear turned to anger
happiness turned to lust
love turned to possession
the goodness within them
serving only one master 
the ever empty void of feeling 
like they will never be truly loved
they will never feel complete
they will never feel like the can settle into the warm embrace
of another
they will never see themselves as God sees them
they will never feel the wholeness that already exists
The slither around me
tempting me with possible ways out of the whole
manipulate, control, convince,
you will achieve your desire goal
if you sell your soul
to the gremlins
If you sacrifice 
this moment for the next
you will achieve what you desire
if you drink their venom
if let this fear drive you
you will one day be happy
one day 
one day
there slither around my neck, 
the green slime of envy
dripping from my from my shoulders
the anger drilling a whole in my heart
the possession, which really possesses me
and controls my every thought

I close my eyes and wonder
when this storm will pass
I bend with the currents
of the universe
I align with my heart
The clean water of self-love, self-care, and appreciation
the miracle of life calls forth a great river
It washes over me
brings tears to my eyes
and washes away
the distorted perceptions
I see myself as Whole
I see myself as Love
I see myself as One

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Singing Across the Universe

Breathing in the night air
the stars are signing to me
soft sweet melodies
of forever and nothing

Emptiness and Darkness
filling the spaces between
creating the canvas for light to shine

The stars are signing in the darkness
from far away places 
many have long since burned out
but their song is still echoing through the universe

Feeling the melody wash over me
the cool night brushes away my concerns
one day they will hear me 
returning the favor
signing them softly to sleep

Earth and Water

Water falling from one stone 
to the next

one step after
the other


allowing the earth to pull it closer

The earth feels the water
move gently across its curves
caressing and comforting
massaging and soothing the rough edges
The earth is warmed and cooled at the same time
by the ever flowing ocean

they swirl together 
as One
the moon pushes and pulls them 
this way and that
but their bond never broken
holding each other tight
for the rest of time

Mantra 1

Please Guide me

Mother of All things
Please Guide me

Holy Spirit
Please Guide me

Please Align
My Body, Mind, Heart and Soul
with Your Creativity

Mantra 2

I trust in your Love and Guidance

Mother of All Things
 I trust in your Love and Guidance

Holy Spirit
I trust in your Love and Guidance

This moment is
Precious and Beautiful

I have no need to worry
of be afraid

Everything I need will be Provided

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wild Flowers

Wild flowers
all different shades and colors
light orange
red and blue
some with four pedals, some with two
Some wilting
Some are new
Some bending and bowing
others reach for the sky
many different shades and colors
but their essence is the same
the beauty of life is blooming

This same beauty is within us all

Everyone you meet is God speaking
look closely and you will see
underneath the ragged clothes
and the dirty shoes

God is softly smiling

If you look closely at your reflection
you will see him there too
treat him kindly
he means you no harm

Only fear divides you
release and move on

Love is your beauty
Love is your nature
Love is your smile
Love is your grace

As you look at your reflection
Smile and know you are loved
listen to your heart and it will speak
gently forgiving and releasing your pain

Sleep softly my child
and sweet dreams

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

I am the Lake

I am the lake
wise and settled
water holding itself together
connecting with the earth

Wisdom doens't come from time
It comes from not being attached to time
The lake knows nothing and
it cares for nothing
but it is fully integrated
with the seat that it sits in

This wisdom
withstands the many
great ideas of cleaver people

The water always runs underneath

No matter how high they build their walls
no matter the endless parking lots

The water always runs underneath

it finds the route
that is below
thsese fancy things
below these great aspirations

and simply is
Simply flows
and knows nothing

the is the true essence of God
This is the true essence of life
and the universe
right before our eyes

The unassuming flow
of water beneath us
Yet, we look at the
the worlds largest cheese sandwich with admiration
and still wonder why it feels so hollow
it still doesn't seem to fill our stomachs
or fill our hearts
It just puts some colorful facade
on the emptyness
that we don't want to accept

That we are empty vessels
and we will be changed
and formed into insects in the near future
and reformed again and again

But beneath all of this
Thousands of years from now
The water will still be running

Monday, April 16, 2018

Waiting for Christmas

Waiting for something to happen
waiting for my life to feel complete
waiting for a sign
that all is well

But the only sign is change
Beginnings, endings
beginnings, and ending again

This step leads to the next
This breadth leads to the next
This day leads to the next one

Waiting for Christmas
When I would run down the stairs and presents
would be wrapped in fancy paper

Waiting for the joy
that I felt
the anticipation
The pureness of smiles
the days spent in slippers
and hot chocolate
sitting side by side with my brother

Playing games for the fun of it
Playing games because games were worth playing

loving every moment

Loving my Mom
who put so much effort and energy and life
in to making our lives happy

Love for my father
who sacrificed and lost his joy along the way
but loved us deeply none the less

gratitude for life
running in the snow
to build snow men
and slide down a hill
that was only five feet tall
but we didn't care
Any hill was worth sledding
because life was about sledding

Life was about playing
Life was about the wonder and joy of games
and creativity
sneaking out at night
creating fireworks in the parking lot
the mushroom cloud
that rose above into the night sky
fireworks that worked a little too well
as we ran with excitement in the night
knowing that we had broken the rules with gleeful

When was the last time I lived with abandon
When was the last time
my day wasn't a clearly scheduled, purposeful, practical
exercise in being responsible

What joy it would be to wake up on Christmas again
see the wrapping paper, tear it apart and play

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Seeds, Soil, Water and Time

unassuming seed
a shell
and a dream

unassuming soil
particles of decayed animals
feces and dirt
worms and insects

unassuming water
Hydrogen and oxygen forming
a shapeless and colorless
lifeless compound

unassuming time
the current of life
bringing change, destruction
and space for new creation

the rain falls
connecting the water, the seed and the soil
Time blesses their marriage
and new life springs

From the simplest of elements
life is created
from the soil, water and the sun
all life springs

the flowers are blooming
the marriage is complete
animals lavish in the
fruits of the earth

The flowers wilt
decay and die
the ground for spring

Blizzards and storms
Ice and snow
Creating the snow pack that will feed the streams
in the spring

a familiar friend
An old compainion

has a way
of reminding me

That spring, summer, fall and winter
are all on the way

All in due time
My friend, my companion
as we sit and watch the seasons pass
We laugh about the frogs croaking
and chasing fire flies on a warm summer night

Friday, April 13, 2018

What is...

What is passion
The feeling in my heart
The joy that envelopes me
takes me over and brings me to heaven

What is the sweet sound of music
that fills my heart with warmth and care
brings me home
connects me with my body and my soul

What is beauty
Striking my eyes with a feeling of awe
As I let go and live this moment
bringing the divine into sight

What is laughter
brightening my soul
sparkling burst of life
waking me up and spinning me around in this moment

What is care
Emotion and empathy and connection
The feeling of another's heart
connecting with mine

What is a smile
the warmth of feeling at peace
to be known, to be heard
appreciation for this moment

Thursday, April 12, 2018

River of Eternal Love

True Gratitude like I have never felt before
Feeling a rush of love wash over me
As I feel the essence of pure freedom and joy
soft tears welling in my eyes

This gratitude is pure
Like water, nourishing my soul
the feeling of oneness within my heart
The pull of connection to all things

The source of this gratidue
is not affirmations
or lists

The source is letting go of all desire to change
All desire to control
All desire to be different than I am
All need to acquire more

Dropping the heavy weight and burden
of needful thinking
and recognizing
I am

I am all that I will ever be
I am all that could ever want
I am the river of eternal love within
drinking the cool clean water of life

What more could I ask for than life
What more could I ask for than breadth
What more could I ask for than to see with my eyes
What more could I ask for than to be in the presence of natures beauty

The greatest gift of all, to be alive, to be born from natures womb
What a miracle, what a gift, thrown into life
with nothing but flesh, blood, bone and muscle
My heart is vulnerable, but as it is exposed
Its beauty shines through

Thank you for making me into this fragile child
This emotional mess
This sorrow and misery
This burden of love

This radiant moment
Pure golden light
shinning from my heart
as the cracks let the light shine through

Ever in Wonder, this miracle
Nothing to fear
Everything to love
All that is here, was given

I have no control,
or reason
I can not explain
or resolve the paradox

That I am here.
In all probability
I shouldn't be
But I am

Thank you
My Love
My Source
My Soul

The Eternal divine
Radiant silhouette
of a dancing beauty
eluding my sight
But feeding my soul

Thank you

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Only Passing by

Breadth is always passing
Breathing in...
Breathing out...
Yet, we don't name each breadth

We don't evaluate every breadth
We don't ruminate on a breadth from ten minutes ago
We don't get jealous of someone else's breadth
We don't strive for very impressive breadth, so that others will envy us

How is my furniture any different?
How are my clothes any different?
How are accomplishments any different?
All will pass, be gone and forgotten

All of my possessions will erode away
falling from their position
like sand in an hour glass

I see my life as but just one breadth
I see my worries as but the blink of an eye

What is time, but a traveling donkey
No concerns, for the passing artifacts
No concern, for the flashing signs
Only treading along, stepping in the feces of the donkey ahead

Knowing that this too will pass

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

I am

I am the broken voice
I am the disheveled old man
I am the black fur squirrel
searching for food

I am the homeless
I am the raped woman
I am the beautiful daughter
I am the disheartened couple

I am the rose that is blooming
I am the cracked sidewalk
I am the long haired hippy
I am the washboard being scrapped

I am the blood on the floor
I am the water in the glass
I am the electricity and fire
I am the siren in the distance

I am that I am

Monday, April 9, 2018


The falcon carries no expectations
Soaring above the land
No fear of falling
No worries about yesterday

Only the soaring
wings stretched out
the wind carrying it
higher and higher

Its eyes observing
seeing long distances
across the landscape
feeling the sun shinning
off in the distance

feathers are light and colorful
hollow and flexible
Bending and bowing
as the falcon leans to the side

Gently gliding along
invisible jet streams
The falcon can't see them
or understand them
But he knows they are there

The falcon only feels the sensation
of rising and rising
No effort or struggle
The hands of Mother Nature
Guiding him to even greater heights

It lets out a loud screech
echoing in the valley
Acknowledging the wind that carries it
and it's connection with the sky

Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Reflection of God

Purple cones of flowers
darting in all directions
pointing the way
and following no one

A beautiful cactus
its leaves spiraling
like the pedals
of a flower

From the earth they spring
They are all God's creations
They are all beautiful clothing
that the divine has sown

Witnessing the divine
in the sidewalk
the old man
the tense neighbor

Funny masks
of the creator
playing with color and shape
and sound

The spiral highways
swirling round
lights flashing
signaling the game has begun

Grab your costumes
we will go running
through the fields
laughing like children

What a night
To wander through
the dark streets
and find

The Reflection of God

Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Birds are Dancing

Rabbits, foxes, squirrels, coyotes
Oak Trees, wild sage, tiny purple flowers
Water flowing through the land
Feeding them all

Flies, humming birds, owls
mice, ants and mosquitoes
snakes, raccoons, and bears
walking, flying and crawling

Cities, cars and gasoline
buildings, streets and gutters
suits, ties, and belts
manufactured and distributed

Airplanes, fighter jets, and cruise liners
sail boats, shipping boats and barges
buoys, watch towers and docks
moving, sailing and bobbing

Clown fish, whales, and sea lions
sea horses, jelly fish, and plankton
sting rays, sharks and octopus
swimming in circles in the sea

Flowing, feeding
walking, flying, crawling
manufactured, distributed
moving, sailing, bobbing
swimming in circles in the sea

Movement, rhythm and flow
listen closely and you can hear
the subtle melody
which is why

The birds are dancing

Friday, April 6, 2018

Shiny Objects

This object is so shiny
beautiful, and rare
so delicate
and costly

I should want this
This should be what I want
If I have this, I will have more
More is better

I don't feel good
I feel sick
I should feel better
Find something to make me feel better

This person annoys me
I don't like this person
They don't make me feel good
Stop talking person

What a bizarre feeling
to recognize your own selfishness
To realize you've driven all the way
to the promised land

To only find a broken down
Theme park
A useless parade
of worn out machinery

My ego thinks it is grand
Thinks of itself as a great hero
Someone who has done so much
For the service of others

But in the end only cares
If it make him feel good
If he will be recognized
If he will be admired

The river of the eternal
is flowing beneath
but it has only begun
to wash me clean

To truly let go
of petty concerns
and serve my true purpose
The connection with eternal Love.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Death and Birth

Mother of All Things
Holding space for death
Holding space for sadness
Holding space for creation

As we lay in the dirt
The earth embraces us
Holding us against her bosom
Out of the soil new life springs

The life that goes on forever
is within us
the life that we hold dear
is not us

Holding dear to the straw dogs
The figments of imagination
and losing our creativity
as we grasp on the illusion

The creative energy of life
flowing through my soul
giving birth to myriad
images and sensations

All will pass
All will ebb
All will flow

Let go
Let go
Let go

As the Mother of All Things
gives birth to me once again

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Not Knowing and Knowing

Little thorns of thoughts
pricking at my joy
stabbing and jabbing
picking away at my bliss

The angry roommate in my head
leaving his trash in my skull
turning on the TV
When I'm trying to meditate

The grand ideal of non-judgment
seems so far away
I don't know how to judge
if I am making progress

I don't know if going up or down
I don't know if I'm going left or right

The trusted adviser in my head
has lied so many times
I don't trust him anymore

How can I let go
How can I be at peace
How do I reclaim my nature

Of Joy and Bliss

I am nothing
I am everything
oscillating like washing machine

Never really knowing where it will stop

Realizing that this is all part of the ego's game

To question, is to judge
To know, is not to speak

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Infinite Wonder of the Universe

Walking along a path
a dirt road
from Point A to Point B
My feet impacting the ground

I look forward to see
The glowing burning glare
of the Sun

All concerns
of tomorrow
melt away

The Sun has no concern
for problems and deadlines
No appointments or paperwork

The tiny shards of my life
smooth and soften
under the infinite gaze
of the universe

Planets dancing through space
in unison and harmony
spinning freely in suspension

No time or place
only the infinite wonder
of the universe

The warm glow of the sun
warms my heart
we are One.

Monday, April 2, 2018

The World Championship of Tiddlywinks

The tensions are high
The players are ready
Years of building up their manual dexterity
To properly flip a wink in a cup

This game is not for the weak of heart
Leave that to the chess players
At a moments notice
Your winks could be buried by your opponent

Many aspiring winkers
Reading copies of “Winking World Lite”
Dreams of being the world champion winker
Reaching the top winkerdom

As the match progress
The players are ruthless
Putting winks on top of winks
Unimaginable trick shots dazzle the audience

As the final shot is made
The raining champ has been usurped
A battle leaving both players
On the brink of destruction

The new reigning champion of winking
Stands tall and proud with his trophy
With a smug grin across his face
He proclaims

“Its great to be winker of the world again
7 years since I last was
Particularly nice, because someone on I work with
Collects sperm from chimpanzees
So its very nice to be a champ winker
And I’ll leave him to do the other half.”

The Sweet Smell of Lilacs

The sweet smell of lilacs
wafting in the air
envelope my heart
as I inhale

The warm embrace of life
lifts me up and carries me
from day to day
curious things pass before my eyes

Growing and dying
Screaming and silence
Creation and allowing
Evolution and Stillness

The seed is the flower
The flower is the seed
I am neither here nor there
Only in the mystery do I exist

Swirling around me
The scent of bliss
in this moment, I know
All is well

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Chaos and Being

Calamity and Chaos
The inner workings of my mind
Papers, reports and problems
Files stacked upon files
The overworked assistant
Searching for a document
long lost and forgoten
with the answer the ultimate problem
Searching with haste and urgency
under the looming gaze
of 10,000 eyes and 10,000 judgments

I look outside and I see a tree
Firmly rooting in the ground
not striving, not stretching
not apologizing or boasting
Just being

I see a bird dancing in the sky
twirling in the wind
Not working, Not playing
Not hiding or performing
Just being