I am the lake
wise and settled
water holding itself together
connecting with the earth
Wisdom doens't come from time
It comes from not being attached to time
The lake knows nothing and
it cares for nothing
but it is fully integrated
with the seat that it sits in
This wisdom
withstands the many
great ideas of cleaver people
The water always runs underneath
No matter how high they build their walls
no matter the endless parking lots
The water always runs underneath
it finds the route
that is below
thsese fancy things
below these great aspirations
and simply is
Simply flows
and knows nothing
the is the true essence of God
This is the true essence of life
and the universe
right before our eyes
The unassuming flow
of water beneath us
Yet, we look at the
the worlds largest cheese sandwich with admiration
and still wonder why it feels so hollow
it still doesn't seem to fill our stomachs
or fill our hearts
It just puts some colorful facade
on the emptyness
that we don't want to accept
That we are empty vessels
and we will be changed
and formed into insects in the near future
and reformed again and again
But beneath all of this
Thousands of years from now
The water will still be running
gives beautiful insight to the phrase "go with the flow"