Little thorns of thoughts
pricking at my joy
stabbing and jabbing
picking away at my bliss
The angry roommate in my head
leaving his trash in my skull
turning on the TV
When I'm trying to meditate
The grand ideal of non-judgment
seems so far away
I don't know how to judge
if I am making progress
I don't know if going up or down
I don't know if I'm going left or right
The trusted adviser in my head
has lied so many times
I don't trust him anymore
How can I let go
How can I be at peace
How do I reclaim my nature
Of Joy and Bliss
I am nothing
I am everything
oscillating like washing machine
Never really knowing where it will stop
Realizing that this is all part of the ego's game
To question, is to judge
To know, is not to speak
This is intense and powerful. The last two lines in particular.