Monday, April 23, 2018

Passing Storms

Passing storms
fears, doubts and ego
gremlins climbing out of the gutter
crawling up beside me 
to whisper dark things in my ears
all of the hatred within their heart
all of the tainted emotions
sadness turned to envy
fear turned to anger
happiness turned to lust
love turned to possession
the goodness within them
serving only one master 
the ever empty void of feeling 
like they will never be truly loved
they will never feel complete
they will never feel like the can settle into the warm embrace
of another
they will never see themselves as God sees them
they will never feel the wholeness that already exists
The slither around me
tempting me with possible ways out of the whole
manipulate, control, convince,
you will achieve your desire goal
if you sell your soul
to the gremlins
If you sacrifice 
this moment for the next
you will achieve what you desire
if you drink their venom
if let this fear drive you
you will one day be happy
one day 
one day
there slither around my neck, 
the green slime of envy
dripping from my from my shoulders
the anger drilling a whole in my heart
the possession, which really possesses me
and controls my every thought

I close my eyes and wonder
when this storm will pass
I bend with the currents
of the universe
I align with my heart
The clean water of self-love, self-care, and appreciation
the miracle of life calls forth a great river
It washes over me
brings tears to my eyes
and washes away
the distorted perceptions
I see myself as Whole
I see myself as Love
I see myself as One

1 comment:

  1. Intense. So accuratly captures the darkness and the turning towards the light
